
Children may start Nursery in the term following their third birthday.

● Nursery open morning 26th February 2025

Nursery times run as follows:

  • Morning: 8.45am to 11.45am
  • Afternoon: 12.45pm to 2.45pm
  • All day: 8.45am to 2.45pm

Parents who choose 30 hours have the option for their child to stay over the lunchtime period at a charge of £3 per day, or pick children up at 11.45am and drop them back at 12.45pm. Children staying for lunch will require a packed lunch.

Families where both parents/carers are working (or one if a lone parent) and earn at least the equivalent of minimum wage for 16 hours a week but under £100,000 per year may be eligible for 30 hours. Further details about eligibility and how to apply can be found at:

30 Hours' Free ChildcareThe school deals with admissions to Nursery but follows Oxfordshire County Council’s Nursery Admissions Policy:

Nursery Admissions Policy

Why attend nursery?

Attending nursery can be a very positive experience for a child and is seen by education professionals as an important way of developing their confidence and social skills. Below you will find some of the benefits identified by our early years experts.

Social skills

Interacting with children of a similar age helps children to learn how to make friends, play with others, listen, share and take turns.

Communication skills

Interaction with other children and nursery staff helps children to expand their vocabulary, as well as learn how to communicate their opinions and emotions.


Children get the opportunity to be independent and form new relationships, skills that are important for their long-term mental and emotional wellbeing.

New skills

The range of activities and resources on offer at nursery provides a stimulating environment for a child. But a new skill doesn’t have to be an academic one — it can be learning how to put on a coat or tidy away after play.

Building immunity

Being at nursery with other children and grown-ups helps develop a child’s immunity to infections such as colds. The high levels of activity and outdoor time at nurseries also contribute to a child’s physical wellbeing.

Being ready for school

The routine and structure of time spent at nursery eases a child’s transition to school, especially when the nursery and the primary school are one and the same.

Firmer foundations for learning

Time spent at nursery establishes at an earlier stage the confidence, determination, critical thinking and positive disposition towards learning that all children will need on their journey through education and beyond.

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