In this section...

Staff List



Senior Leadership Team

Mr Paul Thomas Headteacher
Mrs Lindsay Wakeling Deputy Headteacher and Lower KS2 Team Leader
Ms Ruth Evans KS1 Team Leader and SENCo

Mrs Lorraine Harris

Mrs Janice Savage

Mrs Sarah Willans

EYFS Team Leader

Nursery Manager

Upper KS2 Leader



Mrs Lorraine Harris

Mrs Sam Parsons

Comets Class - Reception

Comets Class - Reception

Miss Zoe Watton Phoenix Class - Year 1

Mrs Ellen Baish

Mrs Jackie Tinsley

Apollo Class - Year 2

Mrs Lindsay Wakeling

Mrs Eleanor Robinson

Atlantis Class - Year 4
Miss Bethany Carter Endeavour Class - Year 3

Mrs Sarah Willans

Miss Phoebe Gardner 

Andromeda Class - Year 5/6

Andromeda Class - Year 5/6

Mr Liam Cooper Orion Class- Year 5/6
Mrs Claire Noble UKS2 Teacher
Mrs Janice Savage Stars Class Leader
Mrs Helen Black Stars Class Lead Practitioner
Ms Katie Burnett Stars Class Lead Practitioner


Mrs Tracy Heritage

Mrs Becky Davies


Mrs Tammy Powell (and breakfast club)

Miss Manny Ng (and breakfast club)

Mrs Claire Smiles



Mrs Melissa Norridge

Mrs Liz Fleming


Mrs Mel Edwards

Mrs Ellie Parkes

Lunchtime Staff

Mrs Claire Smiles

Miss Natalie Dore

Ms Ann-Marie Warner

Admin & Finance 

Mrs Sarah Lainchbury - Finance Manager

Ms Chloe Bartlett - PA to Headteacher

Mrs Melanie Sadler - Administrative Assistant

Mrs Rosanne Morris - Administrative Assistant

Mrs Lucy Whitehouse - Administrative Assistant


Premises Team

Mr Greg Krupinski - Facilities Manager

Miss Helen Turner- Caretaker 



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